自造社创办人 —— 宋涛

1969年出生于上海 曾就读于中央工艺美术学院主修平面设计及绘画,并在1993年法国巴黎第一大学获造型艺术硕士学位 1994年回到中国创办了 TAO画廊,为中国当代的优秀艺术家做了许多展览,并于1995年成立宋涛设计工作室。设计工作包括、家居设计、室内设计、展览设计以及服务等。2002年开办了自己的品牌专卖店(自造社)代理和推广中国本土优秀的艺术家和设计师的产品。2007年在北京798艺术区创办SAY FINE ART 艺展机构,致力于中国传统手工艺的再创造。2008年组织并发起了中国家居设计师品牌联盟。2009年创办O-GALLERY代理国内外艺术家的作品,2012年和保利国际拍卖公司合作艺术设计拍卖专场,为中外设计师建立交流的平台。

Song Tao was born in Shanghai, 1969. He once studied at National University of Art and Design (Now the Adversisement of Tsinghua University)and was majoring in Graphic Design and Drawing. In 1993, he got a master’s degree of Plastic Arts in Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University. He then returned to China and found the TAO Gallery in the following year, which had hold lots of exhibitions for China’s excellent contemporary artists. After that, he found the Song Tao Design Studio, which offered services like Interior Design, Furniture Design and Exhibition Design. In 2002, Song Tao opened his exclusive brand agency, promoting the artworks of excellent domestic artists and designers. In 2007, he found the art exhibition institution named SAY FINE ART in the famous 798 Art Zone in Beijing, which was dedicated to the recreation of Traditional Chinese handicrafts. In 2008, Song Tao organized a brand League joined by Chinese artists to design artworks using wooden and metal materials, aimed at helping people to rediscover the vitality of the fantastic plastic arts in Traditional Chinese culture.
